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two feathers healing formula, black salve ointment protocols for health practitioner consideration

Two Feathers Healing Formula black salve ointment, topical and internal protocols for health practitioner consideration

black salve ointment drawing salve by two feathers healing formula


A Brief History:

Two Feathers Healing Formula is a unique American Indian herbal compound that has reached through time over several hundred years to meet the needs of our ailing modern world.

I have great appreciation for Rob Roy of Two Feathers for providing this healing formula for over 40 years now.

There is a sincere respect for this Healing Formula at every stage of its preparation. It is still produced in the original Native American ways. Each herb is cured in smoke ovens and mixed in wooden bowls (metal should not be allowed to touch the formula).

Some of the ways this Healing Formula has been used have been related to us from the experiences of thousands of modern Americans since 1977, and from many Native Americans prior to this period.

Black Salve Ingredients:

Two Feathers Healing Formula Ingredients: Calcium phosphate, zinc, potassium, magnesium, sodium and eleven trace minerals in a specially prepared blend of 17 Native American herbs. 

DOES NOT CONTAIN ZINC CHLORIDE. The Formula Contains No Artificial Ingredients or Preservatives. Each bottle of Two Feathers Healing Formula shipped from WiseLifeNaturals is Safety Sealed and includes a comprehensive outline of protocols for safe and effective use.

IMPORTANT: Unlike Two Feathers, many of the black salve ointment or Indian Healing Clay on the market today are derived from a veterinarian formula in Arizona called “Indian mud”.

Those indian mud formulas contain Zinc Chloride, (which burns instead of drawing) and is a chemical compound that should never be taken internally as it is dangerous to the Liver. Also, Zinc Chloride is a toxic pharmaceutical compound that does not belong to Native Americans.


Read: Black Salve Testimonials, Two Feathers Healing Formula Reviews below this post


Where do I buy black salve Two Feathers Healing Formula?

We have been supplying Two Feathers Indian Black Salve as an authorized seller for over ten years. You can find it here with Free Shipping

where to buy two feathers healing formula black salve ointment for sale

How To Apply Black Salve: Topical and Internal Protocols for Two Feathers Healing Formula

Tradition has shown that the best results have been achieved by taking one/eighth of a plastic measuring teaspoon as one dose. One can also fill the large side of a vegetable “OO” capsule as one dose, and up to four doses per day can be taken depending on the health problem.

• If a person is taking one dose per day, the best time to take it is one hour after supper, followed by eight ounces of pure water.

• If a person is taking two doses per day, the best time to take them is one hour after breakfast and one hour after supper, followed by eight ounces of pure water each time.

• If a person is taking three doses per day, the best times are one hour after breakfast, one hour after lunch, and one hour after supper, each time followed by eight ounces of pure water.

• If a person is taking four doses per day, the best times are one hour after breakfast, one hour after lunch, one hour before supper, and last thing at night before bed, each time followed by eight ounces of pure water.

• During the one hour after ingesting the compound, an herbal tea such as Mint or Ginger can be taken for queasiness.

The cycle of healing for this formula is six weeks. Take the compound daily for two weeks, and stop for two days. Repeat this two more times for a total of six weeks. A person can continue for another cycle of six weeks or more if needed.

how to apply black salve

Healing Treatment Protocols for Black Salve*

Abdominal Cancer

Adult Acne Treatment

AIDS/HIV-Related Symptoms


Black Salve for Boils

Black Salve Warts Removal

Bone Cancer

Breast Cancer


Cold Sores of the Mouth, Herpes Fever Blisters

Colon Cancer, Intestinal and Abdominal

Cervical and Fibroid Cancers

Detoxification of the body & organs


Enema or a Douche

Internal Detox Cleanse

Intestinal Parasites

Fungal (yeast overgrowth) infections

Liver Cancer

Lung Cancer

Lupus Rash, Mouth Sores

Lymph Cancer

Moles and Skin Tags

Morgellon’s Disease

Prostate Testicular Cancer

Retention Enema

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Joint Inflammation

Stomach GI Cancer

Skin Cancer

Topical Skin Treatments

Teeth and Gums Oral Care

Tumors of the Mouth, Throat and Thyroid

Vaginal Douche (retention)

Veterinary Protocols

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Abdominal Cancer

black-salve-treatment-forThe compound is taken orally 2 times a day if the cancer is less than six months old, and three times a day if it has been active for more than six months.

Adult Acne

The compound is used orally 1/8th of a level teaspoon once a day, one hour after the evening meal, for a six-week period. A liver/gallbladder flush is also very helpful with this protocol, as the liver is involved.

AIDS/HIV-Related Symptoms

The compound is taken orally four times daily, and is used as a retention enema every other night. (See the protocol for Retention Enema listed below.)


These are usually caused by a fungus that has invaded the sinus cavities. The compound can be taken orally once or twice a day depending on severity for six weeks. 1/8th of a level plastic teaspoon can be mixed in four ounces of pure water, and a small amount of this mixture can be inserted into the nasal cavity using a dropper and inhaled into the sinus area every night till proper breathing is restored.

Black Salve for Boils, See: Topical Skin Treatments

Black Salve Warts Removal, See: Topical Skin Treatments

Bone Cancer

When cancer has spread to the bones of the body or is found only in the bones, the compound is taken orally four times a day until the cancer is pushed to the surface skin. Then it may be applied topically also. (See the protocol for Topical Application listed below.)

Breast Cancer

The formula is taken orally normally 3 times a day, or four doses if the disease is at a serious stage, one hour after breakfast, followed by 10oz of clean water. Repeat again after lunch and the last thing at night before bed. If cancer is at Stage 4, the compound can be taken four times daily. The compound can be applied on the tumor after 14 days of oral use.


It has been reported over the last few years that people have used the compound for cataracts. 1/8th of a level plastic teaspoon is mixed into four ounces of distilled water and then filtered through a cloth to take out small lumps of compound. Using an eyedropper, one drop is placed in each eye the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night at bedtime. For severe cataracts, two drops twice a day have been used.

Cold Sores of the Mouth, Herpes Fever Blisters

The person would take the compound orally twice a day, one hour after breakfast and one hour after supper. The oral dose can be mixed with 2 ounces of water, and this mixture can be used to gargle and swish around the mouth for 5 minutes before swallowing. A retention enema is also used every other night. If lesions appear around the lower part of the body, the compound can be applied as a smear over the lesions, and left on for three days and continued until the lesions ooze and then dry up and heal.

Colon Cancer, Intestinal and Abdominal

The compound is used with the same procedure as prostrate cancer, and if at a critical stage, can be taken up to four times a day orally. A retention enema is also used every other night. (See the protocol for Retention Enema listed below.)

Cervical and Fibroid Cancers

The compound is taken twice a day orally for six weeks and is also used as a retention douche every other night. If the cancer is in an advanced stage, the compound may be taken three times a day orally. Cranial Cancer: The compound is usually taken at the rate of one-eighth of a level teaspoon 4 times a day, always followed by 8-10 ounces of pure water, one hour after each meal and the last thing at night before bed.

Detoxification of the body and its organs

The compound is taken once a day, one hour after supper, followed by eight ounces of pure water. Do this for two weeks on, then two days off, continuing over a six-week period or until the jar is empty. Remember that a person can use a plastic measuring spoon or vegetal “OO” capsules to ascertain the correct dosage.


The compound is taken twice a day orally, and can be taken three times a day for a severe condition. A douche is also used every other night with a smaller mixture, where 1/8th of a level teaspoon of the compound is mixed with 2-3 ounces of pure water and held for thirty minutes.

Enema or a Douche

The compound can also be used as an Enema or a Douche. A level quarter teaspoon of the compound is thoroughly mixed into two ounces of pure water, and this would be one dose for either an Enema or a Douche.

Fungal (yeast overgrowth) infections

The compound can taken orally once a day for fungus, with a good probiotic formula to bring balance to the intestinal track, such as iwalu Probiotics (available through For systemic fungal infections, the compound can be taken orally three times per day. For women with a vaginal yeast infection, a douche can be used every other night for two weeks, which would involve a mixture of a level 1/4 teaspoon of the compound mixed with two ounces of pure water.

Internal Detox Cleanse

Internally, it is often used as a preventative and detox for the blood, lymphatics, liver, intestinal tract, and colon. As with any good internal cleanse, a good probiotic can be taken to revitalize the intestinal tract.

It is common to feel a slight queasiness in the stomach area for a few hours after ingesting the compound as the body system becomes more alkaline and certain parasites and bad bacteria die off. Stools usually take on a darker coloration as toxins are released from the body. One may even notice white mucus in the stools, a sign of yeast (Candida) elimination.

Intestinal Parasites

The compound is usually taken twice a day orally and followed by a retention enema, and it should be taken three times a day if it is a very severe case.

Liver Cancer

Use the same protocol as for lung cancer below.

Lung Cancer

The compound normally is taken three times a day. If the lung cancer is at a critical stage, take the compound four times a day. The compound paste is rolled up into a ball measured out to a level 1/8 of a plastic teaspoon and swallowed followed by 8-10 ounces of pure water.

A person can also fill the larger side of a vegetal “OO” capsule, which is exactly 1/8 of a level teaspoon, and swallow it, followed by 8-10 ounces of pure water. If a lesion, bump, or discoloration appears on the surface skin while taking the compound internally, then apply the compound topically according to the protocol for topical use.

Lupus Rash, Mouth Sores

The healing formula is taken orally three times a day, and a retention enema can also be applied. Colloidal and chelated minerals should be used on a daily basis at three times the recommended dose.

Lymph Cancer

Take the formula 2 times a day, one hour after breakfast, followed by 10 oz of water. Repeat again after lunch and the last thing at night before bed. The compound can be applied on the tumor after 7 days of oral use. Melanoma Cancer: Another deeper form of skin cancer, this cancer can also be internal. The protocol is to take 1/8 of a level teaspoon three times a day, regardless of how old the cancer is. If there were lesions on the skin, the compound should be applied topically from the seventh day on.

Moles and Skin Tags

Apply the formula as an ointment directly on the mole or skin tag. Avoid the surrounding skin. Cover with a bandage for 24 hours. Remove the bandage and wash area with skin soap cleanser. Inspect the affected area after three days. If needed, reapply again and repeat the process.

Morgellon’s Disease

The compound is taken orally four times a day, or can be used orally three times a day with a retention enema every other night. Pancreatic Cancer: The compound is taken orally 2 times a day if the cancer is less than six months old, and three times a day if it has been present more than six months.

Prostate or Testicular Cancer

The compound is used 2 times a day if the cancer is less than six months old, and 3 times a day if the cancer is older than six months. A retention enema is also used. A level 1/4 teaspoon is mixed with two ounces of pure water. This mixture is placed into an air syringe and inserted into the rectum at night when the person lies down to sleep on their stomach and will not be getting up again that night. This application is done every other night.

–  Testicular Cancer

The compound is taken orally twice a day at the rate of 1/8th of a level teaspoon one hour after breakfast, followed by eight ounces of pure water; repeat this process one hour after supper. Also, a retention enema is performed every other night.

This consists of mixing a level 1/4 teaspoon of compound into two ounces pure water and placing this mixture into an air syringe. At night when a person retires and will not be getting up again, the air syringe is inserted into the rectum and the mixture is inserted into the colon and left there overnight. The air syringe is dropped into a bowl of water and taken care of the next day.

Retention Enema

A level 1/4 teaspoon of the compound is mixed with four ounces of pure water and placed into an air syringe. At bedtime, the person will lie on his or her stomach, the air syringe is inserted into the rectum, and the mixture is pushed into the colon. Do not mix enema healing formula with other ingredients such as coffee, salt, vinegar.

The person should stay in bed and go to asleep, letting the mixture absorb overnight. This is usually done every other night for a six-week period, or longer if needed.

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Joint Inflammation

The compound has been used three times a day orally for the rheumatoid aspect, and Albion Magnesium (available from NaturoDoc) has been used for the arthritic aspect. Albion Magnesium is usually taken at a high dosage to bowel tolerance; in other words, taken with meals over the course of the day short of loose stools.

Stomach GI Cancer

The compound is taken orally twice a day if the cancer is not older than six months, and if it is older than six months, the compound is taken three times a day. An enema would be used every other night if the cancer advances to the abdominal region.

Skin Cancer

The compound is taken orally once a day for skin cancer that is less than six months old, or twice a day orally if the cancer is older than six months. On the seventh day of oral use in either case, the compound is applied topically by first wetting the skin cancer with pure water and then smearing on the compound in a circular motion.

The area can then be covered with a circular or a square bandage with adhesive on all sides in a loose manner. The bandage is left on for three days, then removed; the area is washed with soapy washcloth, and the compound is re-applied for another three days. This process is continued until skin cancer has been completely drawn out of the skin, and only a raw red area is left to see.

The compound is taken orally for six weeks following the above protocol for oral use; if the skin cancer is still active after at the six-week mark, a person would continue taking the formula for another six weeks orally.

Topical Skin Treatments

(Black Salve may be slightly moistened with purified water if needed to make it easier to apply)

This formula is very versatile and can be applied topically, after waiting usually seven days after the internal protocol has begun. Although with any degenerative disease, 90 percent of the healing work takes place on the inside of the body, the other 10 percent is the topical application and the drawing out of the dead and dying toxins.

The skin over the wound or affected area is moistened with pure water and the compound is smeared on, enough to just cover the wound or site but no larger than the size of a dime and no thicker than a dime, unless otherwise instructed by your holistic health practitioner.  Leave on the skin for three days (splinters, moles, skin tags, warts  – only 24 hours) . Cover with cotton gauze or bandage to protect from rubbing off. Change cover as needed, keeping the area dry.

After being on the skin for three days in a very dry state, the compound can be washed off with a soapy cloth and reapplied if necessary.

Teeth and Gums, Oral Care for

The compound can also be applied lightly on the bristle tips of a toothbrush for a healthy cleansing of teeth and gums. Follow with thorough rinsing with warm water. Recommended frequency is one to two times per week at bedtime.

Tumors of the Mouth, Throat & Thyroid

For tumors less than six months old, 1/8th of a level plastic teaspoon of the compound is taken twice a day orally, and if the tumor is more than six months old, the compound is taken orally three times a day. Continued

For this protocol, the compound is mixed with two ounces of pure water, taken by mouth, and swished in the mouth for five minutes and then swallowed slowly. An eight-ounce glass of pure water may be taken fifteen minutes following this procedure.

This method may push up the tumors so that they appear on the surface of the skin, and if that occurs, the skin is moistened with pure water and the paste is applied topically, smeared on the skin in a circular motion, no larger in size than a dime and no thicker than the thickness of a dime.

This is applied every third day until the tumor is completely drawn out from the skin. When a tumor or cancer is being released from the skin, if yellow pus appears during or after this release, the compound is applied on the yellow pus to ensure the complete release of all malignant cells.

If the tumor is smaller than the size of a dime, apply the paste accordingly.

Vaginal Douche (retention)

A mixture of a level 1/4 teaspoon of the compound is mixed with two ounces of pure water and that mixture is placed in an air syringe. A woman would then lie on a bed or a couch in the evening and would place a pillow under her hips, slightly tilting her hips towards the ceiling.

Then she would take the mixture already in the syringe and insert and push mixture into the vaginal cavity and hold for thirty minutes, then release the mixture. This should be done every other night. It is better not to wash out after the douche and go directly to bed.



black salve for dogs

Veterinary Protocols, Black Salve for Dogs, Cats, Pets, Horses and Livestock

Black salve for dogs and pets, animals, should follow the same topical treatment protocols as for humans, being careful to keep the topical application protected from licking or bandage removal by animal. Animal internal use protocols are the same methods and duration as for humans with an adjustment for weight of animal as follows:

Animals 1-10 pounds: Use 1/5th the suggested human dose protocols

Animals 11-50 pounds: Use 1/3rd the suggested human dose protocols

Animals 51-100 pounds: Use 1/2 the suggested human dose protocols

Animals 101-200 pounds: Use same as human dose protocols

Animals over 200 pounds: Contact Two Feathers Support for protocols



Black Salve Testimonials of Two Feathers Healing Formula (individual results will vary)

Review of Indian Healing Clay Two Feathers Black Salve

This black salve is removing my skin cancer from my hands

It’s went way down in 6 days by just following the instructions. I’m taking out internally for at least 6 weeks to clean out all my organs in my body… so I’ll buy another jar when I run out. It’s an excellent product!

❤Thank you Robert

~LindaReview of Indian Healing Clay Two Feathers Black Salve

Effective for all levels of healing

At first I was hesitant after hearing stories of other salves.  This one is definitely different.  I have a great respect for it after witnessing multiple life-long symptoms dissolve and health return. I’m familiar with herbs, but this is unlike anything I’ve ever supplemented. It feels like it works on all levels, physical/mental/emotional.  I’ve used a couple rounds for chronic issues and am awed by the results. So very thankful!


Review of Indian Healing Clay Two Feathers Black Salve

5 stars for this indian black salve that works

I am having problems with my previous products that I’ve used, I finished the 1 bottle but it never worked. With this product I am so glad that upon taking it for 6 days I felt the effects and this is the only one that worked that I bought online! Worth my money


Review of Indian Healing Clay Two Feathers Black Salve

Amazing for problem moles

I just started to take this and am in my 4th day .Each day I get a little better. I wasnt sure it would work but now I tell my friends about it. Use it with caution. It only takes a tiny amount.


Review of Indian Healing Clay Two Feathers Black Salve

I recommend this healing black salve!

It’s a potent salve. Removes skin problems fast. Follow the directions or call for help from TwoFeathers – they answered all my questions. This product actually works and there are no side effects that I have felt or noticed. High quality ingredients and a great investment for my health. I highly recommend it to all my friends.

~P Palmer

Review of Indian Healing Clay Two Feathers Black Salve

For Many Health Issues.

It’s a trustworthy company. I can take it confidently knowing that there are no ingredients that would cause me any side effects. This product has helped both myself and my pet. Amazing for any skin issues.

~K Thompson

Review of Indian Healing Clay Two Feathers Black Salve

Great healing salve

While taking this I felt more energetic like a heavy weight left my body. I think it’s the real deal of traditional herbal medicine. My advice with it is to respect it and use it slowly and cautiously so your body has time to heal. Definitely follow the directions for use whatever you are using it for.


Review of Indian Healing Clay Two Feathers Black Salve

I am impressed with the fast results

I’ve tried many salves but this is the only one that gave me a very impressive fast result in only about 10 days. I could feel it working within 24 hours and now the lipoma is gone and it is healing nicely.

~Gianni L

Review of Indian Healing Clay Two Feathers Black Salve

Natural Alternative 

Super happy with how much it has improved my daughter’s health and she is more energetic now. Her immune system has been under attack for over a year and the two feathers has made a big difference for her.

~H Parks

Black Salve Ointment for Sale, Where to Buy?

We have been supplying Two Feathers Indian Black Salve as an authorized seller for over ten years. You can find it here with Free Shipping

where to buy two feathers healing formula black salve ointment for sale

FAQ: Common Questions for Black Salve Ointment:

What is another name for black salve? Black salve, also known by the brand name Two Feathers Healing Formula, (not to be confused with the product by brand name Cansema – a dangerous escharotic—a topical paste which destroys skin tissue and leaves behind a scar called an eschar and may contain the chemical toxin Zinc Chloride) Two Feathers Healing Formula is a safe popular natural herbal black salve, that has many testimonials as an effective cancer treatment. The formula does NOT contain the chemical Zinc Chloride, an escharotic – a topical paste which destroys skin tissue and leaves behind a scar called an eschar.

What salve draws out infection?

Black Salve Drawing Ointment by Two Feathers Healing Formula draws out infection and encourages rapid healing of damaged tissues. It helps detoxify and repair most skin and tissue health concerns.

What is black salve used for?

Black salve is an alternative topical therapy used to treat skin cancer. It is produced in a variety of formulations; most formulations contain two core ingredients: bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) and zinc chloride. 

Is black salve the same as drawing salve?

Black ointment, also called Drawing Salve, has been traditionally used to treat minor skin problems such as sebaceous cysts, boils, ingrown toenails and splinters. The main ingredients of Ichthyol Salve,are often ichthammol, phenyl alcohol, or Arnica Montana, and may include herbal ingredients such as echinacea or calendula. These are for minor skin problems, whereas Two Feathers Healing Formula is widely used to treat more serious conditions topically and internally.

What does drawing salve do for boils?

Drawing salve is a paste or dry powder with bloodroot. It is applied directly to the affected skin to get rid of and heal boils, warts, skin tags, moles, and dead tissue. The antibacterial properties of bloodroot were used by indigenous people to treat wound infections, for instance gangrene. Traditional uses for bloodroot were not just medicinal, and may have been ceremonial or used for detoxification rituals

What is bloodroot used to treat?

Bloodroot plant [ Sanguinaria canadensis ] is native to eastern North America and is a perennial flowering plant. Bloodroot is used in alternative therapies and traditional medicine for it’s antiseptic, diuretic, and emetic properties. Black salve is a traditional medicine the Native Americans use for inflammation, cough, infections, a cleansing anti-plaque agent, and for treatment of skin cancer.

What is drawing salve made out of?

CAUTION: Drawing Salve has many formulations. The black salve ointment is often formulated from the North Eastern American plant, Sanguinaria canadensis. Common names for this herb are bloodroot and red root. Caution should be taken when using drawing salve because modern ingredients may contain zinc chloride and the plant extract sanguinarine. Zinc chloride and the plant extract, sanguinarine, are toxic to the tissue as a corrosive, which damage or destroy what they touch. Two Feathers Healing Formula is a safe alternative to zinc chloride drawing salves.

Black Salve Ointment Ingredients: Calcium phosphate, zinc, potassium, magnesium, sodium and eleven trace minerals in a specially prepared blend of 17 Native American herbs. The Formula Contains No Artificial Ingredients or Preservatives. Each bottle of Two Feathers Healing Formula shipped from WiseLifeNaturals is Safety Sealed and includes a comprehensive outline of protocols for safe and effective use. Caution for other Black Salves on the market: May contain Zinc chloride and the plant extract, sanguinarine, which are toxic to the tissue as a corrosive, which damage or destroy what they touch. Two Feathers Healing Formula is a safe alternative to zinc chloride drawing salves.

How do I properly store and handle black salve?

Two Feathers Healing Formula has a long shelf life when kept sealed at room temperature, and it should not be refrigerated. Please use a toothpick or plastic utensil to handle the salve. Metal should not touch the compound.

How do you use bloodroot for warts?

The skin over the wart is moistened with pure water and the Two Feathers Healing Formula black salve is smeared on, enough to just cover the wart, but no larger than the size of a dime and no thicker than a dime, unless otherwise instructed by your holistic health practitioner.  Leave on the wart for 24 hours (splinters, moles, skin tags, warts  – only 24 hours is needed) . Cover with cotton gauze or bandage to protect from rubbing off. Change cover as needed, keeping the area dry.

Black Salve Where to Buy?

It is recommended not to buy products labelled black salve ointment or drawing salve from CVC®, Amazon®, Walgreens®, Walmart®, as these products are simply topical healing salves that lack the necessary ingredients for healing found in Two Feathers Healing Formula. Those products may be easily acquired or “near me” but won’t be effective. Authentic black salve ointment from Two Feathers Healing Formula can be purchased here

An important message from Two Feathers:

Dear Friends,

I have often been asked the question, “What makes Two Feathers Healing Formula different than other black salves?”

The formula I have represented for over thirty three years is still manufactured by the same Native American family that has made the formula for over a hundred years. It contains a combination of herbs that are blended, in perfect harmony, in an age old fashion using a curing technique. These herbs and method of formulation make the compound safe to use internally, where 90% of the healing takes place, and can also be applied topically, safely, as a drawing salve.

The other black salves on the market today are derived from an veterinarian formula in Arizona called “Indian mud”. This indian mud formula contains Zinc Chloride, (which burns instead of drawing) and is a chemical compound that should never be taken internally, it is dangerous to the Liver, also Zinc Chloride is a toxic pharmaceutical compound that does not belong to Native Americans.

The indian mud formula was meant to be used topically, only on the hard knotty tumors that cows and horses develop on their legs. But the sites that sell this formula have never stated this important fact. The need to make money, for some people, overrides common sense and morally corrupts their spirit.

I pray daily for God’s Healing and Blessing over this Great Nation which, I believe, has a great Spiritual destiny that has yet to manifest.


Robert Roy Two Feathers

Please note: individual results may vary. Use as directed for max effectiveness.

Need help with how to apply black drawing salve?

Please contact Two Feathers Healing Formula Customer and Practitioner Support. With over 40 years of expertise, their Care Team is phenomenal and highly qualified to help with most of your questions.


+1 775-324-4889 (PST)

The history of Native American black salve healing ointments is well documented.  Learn more about the history of what is black salve used for

where to buy two feathers healing formula black salve ointment for sale


The manufacturer and distributor of Two Feathers Healing Formula do not make any claims for the effectiveness of the product, nor do they recommend any particular usage. The choice of process used in the various forms of application or ingestion of Two Feathers products is the sole responsibility of the customer. In some cases, scarring may occur with topical use, and the manufacturer or distributor cannot be responsible, as outcomes will vary with individuals and methods of application.

Two Feathers products are offered as nutritional systemic and skin care aids, not medicine. Users of the product should be aware that any use of alcohol while taking the compound orally will nullify its effectiveness and may cause stomach distress. This product should not be used by pregnant or nursing mothers and should be kept from the reach of young children

What Wikipedia can’t tell you about Natural Detox & Weight Loss

black salve testimonials

Apparently, Wikipedia can indeed give you plethora of valuable, interesting, and technical information about natural body detox. Technical and overwhelming information, to be exact. It may seem that everything you need to know is already compiled there. Let us see if they are missing something. Read further.

The practice of natural body detox for diets & weight loss can be traced back to Indian Ayurveda and the Native American’s practice of using sweat lodges. In today’s conventional medicine, it seems that many uncertainties surround the practice of body detox. Nevertheless, if you think about it as prevention means- detoxification does make sense. It is a sort of supporting and boosting our body’s natural detox ability, maintaining our wellness while preventing illnesses in the near future.

Wise Living Key Points

Detox is not a bluff

Generally, there are two ways to detoxify- through taking in dietary supplements for skin repair and body detox and the other is through the use of natural means of detoxification. Majority often chooses the latter because it is healthier and possesses less to no side effects.

The majority of detoxification programs recommend taking in supplements and herbs to boost the body’s ability to get rid of impurities and toxins. Although engaging into detoxification is gradually becoming fad, there are no scientific evidences that prove the effectiveness of such. However, this does not entirely mean that detox does nothing good!

Detox and Metabolism

Our human body regulates metabolism by food choices and mealtime. Eating in a regular and consistent manner and basing our foods around beans, vegetables, and grains enable us to improve metabolism. Vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods undoubtedly give you all the nourishment you need plus the nutrients needed by the body for better metabolism.

During daytime, we tend to become active in taking some physical nourishment. While at night, our own bodies use the foods we have eaten within the day to repair, maintain, and gather any excess and eventually eliminate those.

Detox Process and Toxins

The sources of toxins is too obvious- environmental pollutants, food choices, and even poor digestion. In order to eliminate detrimental toxins in our body, our liver, kidneys, intestines, skin, and lungs work in synergy. Natural body detox is further aided by doing outdoor activities and having positive thought. Positive thinking is important. Why? This is mainly because if you are depressed as well as is closed off, the probability of stagnation as well as accumulation of excess toxins will soar high.

two feathers healing formula, black salve ointment for boils, warts, cold sores

Perks of Natural Body Detox

When the human body is exposed to harmful toxins in a prolonged period of time, it will less likely to process everything. The excess toxins will likely to be stored in the fat cells and even throw your own hormones out-of-balance, affects your weight, and even make you absolutely fatigue.

However, if you boost your body’s innate detoxification system, you will start working on getting rid of unwanted toxins. With natural body detox, you will likely obtain benefit from having better skin, more energy, weight management and improved mental function like enhanced concentration and added attention.  

WiseLifeNaturals physician formulated products give you proven results to achieve your wellness goals, especially when you pair them with our health and fitness tips about the different benefits of detox for skin treatments.

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