
Indian Healing Clay: Two Feathers Healing Formula – Authorized Source – Uses For Authentic Native American Herbal Drawing Black Salve Herbal Medicine – Reviews and Benefits –

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Indian healing clay formula from TWO FEATHERS. The original safe and effective Native American remedy black salve.

Hand prepared in the traditional way for over one hundred years.

Indian Healing Clay 2 Two Feathers Healing Formula | Native American Indian Medicinal Drawing Black Brown Tar Salve Ointment Cream Topical Skin Herbal Medicine


*This original Native Formula can be used effectively both internally as an herbal food supplement and externally as an ointment cream topical skin herbal medicine.


Over 40 years of user results show Two Feathers Indian Healing Clay Formula has been used successfully for; cancer, tumors, herpes, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies, viral diseases, yeast and fungal infections, parasites, lupus, moles, liver detox, vaginitis, worms and skin cancer.*

Cleanse and Detox: Two Feathers is also excellent as a powerful preventative remedy and detoxifier, once or twice a year.*


Benefits of Indian Healing Clay Herbal Formula

Two Feathers Healing Formula has been found to have the following effects on the human system:

    • Reproduces protein enzymes in system*
    • Strengthens enzyme structure*
    • Normalizes differentiated cells*
    • Responsible for release of negative cells from body by switching electrical frequency*
    • Oxygenates all cells*
    • Immune system stimulant, i.e. T cells*
    • Reorganizes the body’s energy system*
    • Enhances oxygen to the brain*
    • Restores blood parameters to normal*
    • Reduces excess fluid in heart, feet, ankles, wrists and lungs*
    • Actively restores elimination through skin, urine and feces*
    • Stimulates positive systemic nutrients in system*
    • Restores equilibrium (homeostasis) to body tissues and fluids*
    • Preventative, strongest of all anti-oxidants*
    • Transdermal poultice effect immediate, within five seconds*
    • Decreases all malignancies promptly*
    • Works on twelve hour cycle, most effective when taken once daily preferably in the morning*
    • Reduces mycosis in system*
    • Ancient American Indian formula that eliminates degenerative diseases of modern civilization (pollution of food, air and water) despite modern technology*

Indian Healing Clay Ingredients: Calcium phosphate, zinc, potassium, magnesium, sodium and eleven trace minerals in a specially prepared blend of 17 Native American herbs. The Formula Contains No Artificial Ingredients or Preservatives. Each bottle of Two Feathers Healing Formula shipped from WiseLifeNaturals is Safety Sealed and includes a comprehensive outline of protocols for safe and effective use.



IMPORTANT: Unlike Two Feathers, many of the Indian Healing Clay black salves on the market today are derived from a veterinarian formula in Arizona called “Indian mud”. This indian mud formula contains Zinc Chloride, (which burns instead of drawing) and is a chemical compound that should never be taken internally as it is dangerous to the Liver. Also, Zinc Chloride is a toxic pharmaceutical compound that does not belong to Native Americans.


Heal Your Body with the Pure, Hand Prepared Native American Remedy: Two Feathers Healing Formula*


Please read our many years of helpful reviews that highlight the user proven benefits of indian healing clay Go to Reviews on Indian Healing Clay Reviews for Indian Healing Clay


Product Care Instructions: Two Feathers Healing Formula has a 2 year shelf life when kept sealed at room temperature, and it should not be refrigerated. Please use a toothpick or plastic utensil to handle the salve. Metal should not touch the compound.


Directions for Use: 

Find Advanced Practitioner Instructions Here: Indian Healing Clay Uses Health Practitioner Considerations for Two Feathers Native American Indian Healing Clay Black Salve Protocols

>>> Download the PDF<<<


About the Indian Healing Clay: Two Feathers Healing Formula is still produced in the original Native American manner, each herb is cured in smoke ovens and mixed in wooden bowls. Metal is never allowed to touch the formula as it would destabilize the electrolysis process provided by the components in the compound. Please read the following information very carefully as it contains answers to many of the most frequently asked questions.  


GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE:   Tradition has shown that the best results have been achieved by taking 800 Milligrams either once, twice, three or four times a day for different stages of illness. This can be measured  by filling the large side of a vegetal “00” capsule, purchased at Health food store,  as one dose, always followed by drinking 8 ounces of pure spring water. Fill and use only one capsule at a time. If capsules cannot be found, measuring out 1/8th of a level plastic teaspoon of our compound and rolling this paste into a ball and swallowing will suffice.  

  • If a person is taking one dose per day, the best time is one hour after dinner followed by drinking 8 ounces of pure spring water.
  • If a person is taking two doses per day, the best dose times are one hour after breakfast and one hour after dinner followed by drinking 8 ounces of pure spring water each time.
  • If a person is taking three doses per day, the best dose times are one hour after breakfast, one hour after lunch and one hour after dinner, each time followed by drinking 8 ounces of pure spring water.
  • If a person is taking four doses per day, the best dose times are one hour after breakfast, one hour after lunch, one hour before dinner and the last thing at night before bed and each time followed by drinking 8 ounces of pure spring water.
  • During the one hour after ingesting the compound, an herbal tea, such as mint or ginger can be taken for queasiness. Aloevera juice can also be used for the same purpose.   The cycle of healing for this formula is six weeks.
  • The compound is taken daily for two weeks, and then stop for two days. This repeated two more times for a total of six weeks. A person can continue for another cycle of six weeks or more, if needed.

As with any degenerative disease recovery, 90 percent of the healing work takes place inside the body, the other 10 percent is the topical application and the drawing out of the dead and dying cells and toxins.


Enema or douche. A quarter level teaspoon of the compound is thoroughly mixed into two ounces of pure spring water and this would be one dose for either enema or douche. The enema is applied every other night and the compound/water is inserted at bedtime and left in overnight. The douche is also applied every other night at bedtime held internally for 20 minutes and then released without washing out afterwards.  

!! The compound should never be applied directly to the gums of the mouth or the interior of a woman’s vagina, unless mixed with pure water.


Topical application: The formula is very versatile and can be applied topically usually after 7 days of internal use for most of the body, 14 days after for the face and the breast of a woman. The skin is moistened with pure water and the compound is smeared on just covering the wound but in total no larger than the size of a dime and no thicker than a dime, to be then left on the skin till the compound falls off.

The compound should be covered and kept very dry with a loose bandage, a smear of compound can be added every four days to refresh the drawing process. If the wound has opened and a pus like substance is being released, then the compound is left on the skin till all the puss like substance has been released and falls off the skin of it’s own accord.

Oral Care: Combine the compound with water and apply lightly on the bristle tips of a toothbrush for a healthy cleansing of teeth and gums.

Detox and Cleanse: Internally, often used as a preventative and detox, for the blood, lymphatics, liver intestinal track and colon. As with any good internal cleanse, a strong friendly bacteria, such as iwalu Probiotics, can be taken, before meals, to revitalize the intestinal tract for a three month period.  

It is common to feel a slight queasiness in the stomach area for an hour or so after ingestion of compound as the body system becomes more alkaline and as certain parasites and bad bacteria die off. stools usually take on a darker coloration as toxins are released from the body. One may even notice white mucus in the stools, a sign of fungus (candida) elimination.

Preventative for Travel: Two Feathers has been used as a immune boost, liver detox and blood purifier. Very helpful when traveling to a country that is not known for cleanliness.*  



The distributors and producers of Two Feathers Healing Formula do not make any claims for the effectiveness of the product, nor do they recommend any particular usage.

The choice of process used in the various forms of application or ingestion of Two Feathers products is the sole responsibility of the customer. In some cases scarring may occur with topical use and the distributor or manufacture cannot be responsible, as outcome will vary with individuals and methods of applications. Two Feathers products are offered as nutrient systemic and skin care aids, not medicine. Users of the product should be aware that any use of alcohol while taking the compound orally will nullify it’s effectiveness and may cause stomach distress.

Two Feathers Healing Formula should not be used by pregnant or nursing mothers and should be kept out out of reach of children.


Furthermore, Two Feathers encourages Holistic Physician consultation for diagnostic determinations.





two feathers indian healing clay black salve ointment reviews

This black salve is removing my skin cancer from my hands

It’s went way down in 6 days by just following the instructions. I’m taking out internally for at least 6 weeks to clean out all my organs in my body… so I’ll buy another jar when I run out. It’s an excellent product!

❤ Thank you Robert.





two feathers indian healing clay black salve ointment reviews Effective for all levels of healing At first I was hesitant after hearing stories of other salves.  This one is definitely different.  I have a great respect for it after witnessing multiple life-long symptoms dissolve and health return. I’m familiar with herbs, but this is unlike anything I’ve ever supplemented. It feels like it works on all levels, physical/mental/emotional.  I’ve used a couple rounds for chronic issues and am awed by the results. So very thankful!




two feathers indian healing clay black salve ointment reviews

5 stars for this indian black salve that works

I am having problems with my previous products that I’ve used, I finished the 1 bottle but it never worked. With this product I am so glad that upon taking it for 6 days I felt the effects and this is the only one that worked that I bought online! Worth my money




two feathers indian healing clay black salve ointment reviews

Amazing for problem moles

I just started to take this and am in my 4th day .Each day I get a little better. I wasnt sure it would work but now I tell my friends about it. Use it with caution. It only takes a tiny amount.




two feathers indian healing clay black salve ointment reviews

I recommend this healing black salve!

It’s a potent salve. Removes skin problems fast. Follow the directions or call for help from TwoFeathers – they answered all my questions. This product actually works and there are no side effects that I have felt or noticed. High quality ingredients and a great investment for my health. I highly recommend it to all my friends.

~P Palmer



two feathers indian healing clay black salve ointment reviews

For Many Health Issues.

It’s a trustworthy company.I can take it confidently knowing that there are no ingredients that would cause me any side effects. This product has helped both myself and my pet. Amazing for any skin issues. 

~K Thompson



two feathers indian healing clay black salve ointment reviews

Great healing salve

While taking this I felt more energetic like a heavy weight left my body. I think it’s the real deal of traditional herbal medicine. My advice with it is to respect it and use it slowly and cautiously so your body has time to heal. Definitely follow the directions for use whatever you are using it for.




two feathers indian healing clay black salve ointment reviews

I am impressed with the fast results

I’ve tried many salves but this is the only one that gave me a very impressive fast result in only about 10 days. I could feel it working within 24 hours and now the lipoma is gone and it is healing nicely.

~Gianni L



two feathers indian healing clay black salve ointment reviews

Natural Alternative 

Super happy with how much it has improved my daughter’s health and she is more energetic now. Her immune system has been under attack for over a year and the twofeathers has made a big difference for her.

~H Parks





An important message from Two Feathers:


Dear Friends,

I have often been asked the question, “What makes Two Feathers Healing Formula different than other black salves?”

The formula I have represented for over thirty three years is still manufactured by the same Native American family that has made the formula for over a hundred years. It contains a combination of herbs that are blended, in perfect harmony, in an age old fashion using a curing technique. These herbs and method of formulation make the compound safe to use internally, where 90% of the healing takes place, and can also be applied topically, safely, as a drawing salve.

The other black salves on the market today are derived from an veterinarian formula in Arizona called “Indian mud”. This indian mud formula contains Zinc Chloride, (which burns instead of drawing) and is a chemical compound that should never be taken internally, it is dangerous to the Liver, also Zinc Chloride is a toxic pharmaceutical compound that does not belong to Native Americans. The indian mud formula was meant to be used topically, only on the hard knotty tumors that cows and horses develop on their legs. But the sites that sell this formula have never stated this important fact. The need to make money, for some people, overrides common sense and morally corrupts their spirit.

I pray daily for God’s Healing and Blessing over this Great Nation which, I believe, has a great Spiritual destiny that has yet to manifest.


Robert Roy Two Feathers


Please note: individual results may vary. Use as directed for max effectiveness. 


+1 775-324-4889 (PST)



*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

native american indian healing prayer Two Feathers Healing Formula Native American Indian Black Salve


Additional information

Weight 0.25 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in
Product UPC/EAN